Religious Education 

St Gerard’s Catholic Primary School

Vision Statement for RE (Intent)

Our vision for RE in St Gerard’s is for all our children, life in its fullness through development of their own unique gifts and talents- so that they grow as disciples of faith, hope and love, and bring about the Kingdom of God on Earth.



We ensure that all of the children in St Gerard’s have an enriched RE curriculum which is  promoted through a wealth of enrichments, which aim to support and develop our Catholic Life and which deepens our Collective Worship and liturgies- those in school and part of our extended parish life.


RE Policy

_RE policy 2023.docx updated.docx


Come and See (EYFS, Y5 &Y6)

The religious programme of study, ‘Come and See’ is the core RE scheme used here at St Gerard’s school for the EYFS, Y5 and Y6.  This curriculum has been developed to respond to the needs of children today in their journey of faith.  Clear links are made with  the children’s own experiences so that learning becomes meaningful for our children.  ‘Come and See’ gives our pupils the opportunity to explore the mystery of faith through scripture and tradition.

‘Come and See’ is an extensive programme which covers a range of challenging themes. Each theme is divided into the following sections:

  • Explore – the human search for meaning
  • Reveal – God’s revelation
  • Respond – response in faith

At the end of each theme children reflect on what they have learned. They think about how their learning links to how they have grown together in God’s Love for them.

Links are made with the children’s own experiences and the curriculum is adapted to make it real and meaningful to our children.


Be Still & Know -A Pilot scheme of work for the Primary RED (Years 1-4)

The religious programme of study, ‘Be Still and Know’ is the core RE scheme used here at St Gerard’s school for Years1-4.  This curriculum has been developed to respond to the needs of children today in their journey of faith.  Clear links are made with  the children’s own experiences so that learning becomes meaningful for our children.  ‘Be Still and Know’ gives our pupils the opportunity to explore the mystery of faith through scripture and tradition.

‘Be Still and Know’ is an extensive programme which covers a range of challenging themes. Each theme is divided into the following Branches: which include 12 focus step objectives each.

Branch 1- Creation and Covenant.

Branch 2- Prophecy and Promise

Branch 3- Galilee to Jerusalem

Branch 4- From Desert to Garden

Branch 5- To the Ends of the Earth

Branch 6- Dialogue and Encounter















It is important to us that our children see themselves as part of a wider community. To ensure that children learn about the many similarities between major world religions, we learn about two other faiths per year. This often includes visits to different places of worship.

Big Questions are used to encourage children to challenge children and to make the curriculum more compelling.

Alongside this formal teaching of RE, children take part in Acts of Collective Worship each day. They also take part in class and whole school Masses and liturgies.

Christmas and Easter productions are shared with families and the parish community.


Classes visit St Mary’s Cathedral, as part of their RE work: links to vocation, the parish community, the Liturgical year  and the Sacraments. The parish priests, Fr Paul and Fr Peter support the children in their religious life.




KS2 pupils all take part in weekly Liturgical singing- led by the Assistant Diocesan Music Director., Mrs Andrea Maxson. The hymns they learn are linked to the sacraments, key celebrations in school, church and the Liturgical Year.

Class RE Working Walls

All classes have an RE working wall which supports pupils in their understanding of the RE topic which they are covering. The working walls become increasingly detailed as pupils move through the school. By Y5/6, these include elements which support pupils in making links, giving reasons and showing an understanding of : sacraments, scripture, Christian life, Christian belief, religious art, hymns and prayers.









Click on the links below to view the Come and See ‘Big Questions’ grid for each topic and year group:


Read through the parent letters which explain what will be covered each term within our RE curriculum.


Letter to parents Summer 2023:
